“…bold, innovative, a wild, transformative text…almost unruly, a new vision for critical, reflexive inquiry.” – Norman K. Denzin, Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“Not since Beittel and then Eisner in the 1970s first challenged the more traditional forms of art education research, embedded in quantitative and strict reasoned discourse, but where alternative forms of artful-qualitative and holistic research is possible, have we seen such evocative, groundbreaking, and meaningful work.” – Ralph Raunft, Professor of Art, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
“Seeing Red is lovely, scholarly, heart-warming, exquisitely written, and so engaging! The best we can hope for in scholarship. I will share it with my qualitative research class as an exquisite example of arts-based writing! I know it will touch them and reach them as the very best of scholarship and art does! – Liora Bresler, Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Editor of the International Journal of Education and the Arts
“Pauline Sameshima's Seeing Red: A Pedagogy of Parallax is a major new work of arts-based educational research that helps mark [a] new terrain...In response to this condition of validity, Seeing Red captures, in a way that I have never before experienced in the academic literature, the imaginative free-fall that can occur in doctoral study. Julia is in a state of reconstruction. She discovers that doctoral work, at a profound level, is learning how to live in a perpetual state of reconstruction. It is not just a right-of-passage—an entry way into a guild—but a reordering of how she will live from this moment on.” – Richard Siegesmund, Associate Professor, Art Education, University of Georgia
“Scholarly projects like Seeing Red require courage, stamina, and imagination. As such, Seeing Red is exemplary and groundbreaking. The rigor with which Seeing Red was formulated, undertaken, and presented is not readily obvious when first read. However, the attention to detail, the judicious choices made, and the strong narrative thread become evident when one considers the impact that the project has on one’s sensibilities. The beauty of Seeing Red is its ability to invite conversation (and argument) as much as it is to provide an alternative way of thinking about educational scholarship.” – Anthony Clarke, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada
“In Seeing Red, Pauline Sameshima exemplifies what Paulo Freire calls “aesthetic curiosity” (p. 95) and “epistemological curiosity” (p. 97). Seeing Red is a love story, a story of desire and intrigue and mystery, a story of teaching and learning, a story that sears the heart with a seer’s prophetic vision. With unsettling insight, Pauline understands how research in the social sciences must begin with stories that help readers revisit and revision their understanding of the fabric of daily lives…. She acknowledges how other ways of knowing—artistic, poetic, narrative, autobiographical, artographic, creative, emotional, imaginative—are also integral to scholarly adventures of researching and living.” – Carl Leggo, Professor and Poet, University of British Columbia, Canada
“Form follows function….When I first picked up Seeing Red and turned its pages, these pages revealed the power and simplicity of letters written and sent (and unsent) to tell an untold story with conviction and creativity. Seeing Red reminds me of the many ways that form plays out in creative scholarship informed by the arts and envisioned by artists. Pauline uses letters to provide a structure to the work. Yet they are also the genre or medium of the piece…I am also reminded of their potency as method.” – J. Gary Knowles, Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada; and Co-Director of the Centre for Arts-Informed Research
“Embrace the aesthetics of this incredible text and you may be transported to, or transformed by, new ideas and identities…You may come to understand, or create, another side of yourself. It will be a joyful and profound experience.” – Rita Irwin, Professor and Associate Dean of Teacher Education, University of British Columbia, Canada; President of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education
“The book is a tour de force and I will definitely recommend it to students who want to write in a more creative, engaged and provocative style.” – Ann Rippin, Programme Director for MSc in Management Development and Organizational Change, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
”The aesthetic sophistication of Pauline Sameshima's art and writing in Seeing Red is exceptional. She has set a new standard for arts-based research. I think this book will come to be regarded as a benchmark, a turning point in arts-based work that brings aesthetics back into the conversation.” – Anita Sinner, PhD, Art Education, University of British Columbia
“I am absorbed by Seeing Red and I have found it hard to put down! It's a lovely piece of writing. There is so much richness in the writing; it is so encouraging to see writing that moves beyond meaning into sense, soul and the body. I am so glad to have made the purchase.” – Ken Gale, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Arts and Education, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom
“…such richness, such delicate and intricate embroidery of ideas and words poured out over these pages. It's going to be one of the few books that I will go back to many times…The book inspires me.” – Nancy Li, Cross-cultural Consultant, English as a Second Language Teacher
“Seeing Red is a deceptively complex book. The form of the book is like a film scene that shows a view from the perspective of a character. In the book, the reader is actually looking into a mirror that shows the contents of the main character’s inner world. Sameshima has demonstrated the educational potential of ‘alternate’ forms of pedagogy. I can only give it the highest recommendation for its creativity, content, and modeling of risk-taking within the usually conservative confines of the academy.” – Avraham Cohen, PhD, Registered Clinical Counselor, City University of Seattle