Nikky Lin is a Professor in the Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature at the National Taiwan Normal University. She obtained her PhD in Taiwan Literature from the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan and previously worked as a research fellow at the International Institute for Asian Studies in the Netherlands. She is the editor of the Sinophone and Taiwan Studies series (Springer) and author of Philosophical Poet of Formosa: Heng-tai Lin. Her works have been published in journals such as Boundary 2, Chung-wai Literary Monthly, NTU Studies in Taiwan Literature, NTU Humanitas Taiwanica, Journal of Taiwan Literary Studies, and Taiwan Historical Research.
Chris Wen-Chao Li received his doctorate in general linguistics and comparative philology from Oxford University and currently teaches linguistics and translation/interpretation at San Francisco State University. He is the author of A Diachronically-Motivated Segmental Phonology of Mandarin Chinese and The Routledge Course in Chinese Media Literacy. His writings have appeared in such scholarly journals as Language and Communication, Diaspora Studies, and Target, while his translations have been published in Renditions, The Chinese Pen, and Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies.
Kyle Shernuk is a PhD candidate in East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University. He holds an MA from the University of Oregon and a BA from the University of Kansas. His publications include articles in the International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Keywords in Queer Sinophone Studies, and A New Literary History of Modern China. He has served as the Assistant Director of the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Inter-University Center for Sinology, USA, since fall 2017.
Darryl Sterk teaches translation at Lingnan University. He holds a PhD and an MA from the University of Toronto and a BA from the University of Alberta. Dr. Sterk's Indigenous Cultural Translation: A Thick Description of Seediq Bale will be published in 2020. He has published in Modern Chinese Literatures and Cultures. He is a literary translator. His translation of Wu Ming-Yi's The Stolen Bicycle was longlisted for the Booker International in 2017.
Edward Vickers is Professor of Comparative Education at Kyushu University, Japan. He holds a PhD from the University of Hong Kong, and an MA and a BA in Modern History from the University of Oxford. Professor Vickers' publications include Education and Society in Post-Mao China, Remembering Asia’s World War Two, and In Search of An Identity: The Politics of History as a School Subject in Hong Kong, 1960s-2005. He is Director of the Kyushu University Taiwan Program, and Secretary-General of the Comparative Education Society of Asia.