"Newman has set the record straight, a sobering and humbling story that must be told. Although the book is written in popular language, it is, nevertheless, a serious piece of scholarship." - Enrichment, Summer, 2008.
"As Dr. Newman led me on the journey from “Azusa Street to Memphis,” I must confess there were many parts of the trip I did not like. This was new territory for me and it was deeply troubling. His work is the result of his approximately 12 years of careful research and writing in this field. Each chapter is thoroughly documented ...Dr. Newman has shown the craftsmanship of a Pentecostal scholar who is “critically loyal” to the Assemblies of God. We desperately need to know this part of our history. ... No one can read this work without acknowledging the Assemblies of God has made important progress in recent years but there are still many “miles to go before we sleep.”" - Don Meyer, Ph.D., President, Valley Forge Christian College